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California County Agent Lists

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  • Click on county name for more details and list of agents
All agent records include email address
County Count Price
100,372 $1,120
50,241 $664
39,643 $567
22,225 $409
21,776 $405
17,451 $365
16,860 $360
12,445 $320
11,004 $307
8,267 $278
8,045 $275
7,116 $260
6,019 $241
5,284 $225
4,162 $198
4,082 $196
3,946 $192
3,827 $188
3,142 $166
2,973 $160
2,813 $154
2,591 $145
2,241 $131
2,193 $130
2,052 $124
1,930 $118
1,289 $85
1,205 $81
1,058 $73
County Count Price
1,001 $70
938 $66
859 $61
744 $53
637 $46
612 $45
412 $32
403 $31
400 $31
355 $28
335 $27
319 $26
289 $24
283 $23
208 $19
201 $18
189 $17
145 $14
122 $13
117 $13
105 $12
77 $10
55 $9
49 $8
42 $8
30 $7
26 $7
7 $5
4 $5