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Florida County Agent Lists

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  • Click on county name for more details and list of agents
All agent records include email address
County Count Price
71,928 $861
46,349 $628
42,653 $595
33,247 $509
22,843 $414
22,148 $408
20,141 $390
17,626 $367
13,233 $327
12,326 $319
11,007 $307
8,947 $286
7,230 $262
6,783 $255
6,728 $254
6,321 $246
5,975 $240
5,499 $230
5,453 $229
5,073 $221
4,534 $207
3,635 $182
3,564 $179
3,498 $177
3,351 $172
3,264 $170
3,157 $166
3,157 $166
2,935 $158
2,700 $149
2,509 $142
2,379 $137
2,313 $134
County Count Price
2,221 $131
2,012 $122
1,674 $105
1,345 $88
1,238 $82
866 $61
382 $30
330 $26
320 $26
264 $22
238 $20
218 $19
216 $19
201 $18
174 $16
149 $15
135 $14
124 $13
120 $13
102 $12
96 $11
95 $11
86 $11
85 $11
84 $10
79 $10
55 $9
45 $8
43 $8
27 $7
22 $6
21 $6
13 $6
12 $6