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New York County Agent Lists

  • Check box next to counties you want and press Add to Cart
  • Click on column heading to sort
  • Click on county name for more details and list of agents
All agent records include email address
County Count Price
12,776 $323
10,496 $302
9,369 $291
7,595 $268
3,435 $175
2,878 $156
2,449 $140
2,425 $139
2,006 $122
1,725 $108
1,709 $107
1,681 $105
1,629 $103
1,386 $90
1,298 $85
1,219 $81
907 $64
535 $40
479 $36
460 $35
439 $34
384 $30
382 $30
362 $29
316 $26
272 $23
256 $22
241 $21
238 $20
202 $18
194 $18
County Count Price
189 $17
187 $17
183 $17
164 $16
158 $15
145 $14
144 $14
128 $13
127 $13
117 $13
114 $12
106 $12
99 $11
97 $11
89 $11
87 $11
85 $11
80 $10
76 $10
76 $10
70 $10
66 $9
65 $9
61 $9
58 $9
38 $7
36 $7
32 $7
23 $6
20 $6
15 $6