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Pennsylvania County Agent Lists

  • Check box next to counties you want and press Add to Cart
  • Click on column heading to sort
  • Click on county name for more details and list of agents
All agent records include email address
County Count Price
10,102 $298
9,342 $291
6,855 $256
6,164 $243
4,748 $213
3,988 $193
3,018 $162
2,358 $136
2,238 $131
2,175 $129
1,912 $117
1,882 $116
1,507 $96
1,381 $90
1,169 $79
1,033 $72
971 $68
928 $65
851 $60
813 $58
677 $49
596 $44
490 $37
487 $37
423 $32
380 $30
315 $25
298 $24
246 $21
233 $20
199 $18
197 $18
196 $18
County Count Price
181 $17
176 $16
142 $14
141 $14
127 $13
119 $13
109 $12
107 $12
100 $11
96 $11
95 $11
95 $11
89 $11
74 $10
70 $10
69 $9
68 $9
63 $9
62 $9
62 $9
59 $9
55 $9
52 $8
45 $8
45 $8
37 $7
32 $7
32 $7
25 $7
17 $6
14 $6
10 $6
9 $6
6 $5