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Complete Baker County, OR Real Estate Agent List

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List of Baker County, OR Real Estate Agents

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(21 - 34 of 34 agents)        < Prev 20
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McLagan, Jon Scott  3925 Grace St, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-5871 
Mehaffy, Ann Stewart  3245 Elm St, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-5871 
O'Neal, Ashley Renae  20876 Sunset Ln, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-5871 
Petry, Jeffery D  1345 Hughes Ln, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-5871 
Reedy, Robert Joel  2235 16th St, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-5871 
Saylor, Debra L  35610 Whitnah Ln, Richland, OR 97870  541-540-3115 
Saylor, John Michael  35610 Whitnah Ln, Richland, OR 97870  541-540-3115 
Seastrand, Ronald A  2000 Broadway, Baker City, OR 97814  406-599-7082 
Smith, Christina Raye  2333 Main St, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-7727 
Smith, Deborah Y  2785 Main St, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-6485 
Smith, Karla K  425 Foothill Dr, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-6485 
Smith, Maya Ray  18081 Stall Rd, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-5838 
Smith, Sue Ann  18081 Stall Rd, Baker City, OR 97814  541-523-5838 
Uriarte, Teresa Maud  3005 3rd St, Baker City, OR 97814  888-814-9613 

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Complete Oregon Real Estate Agent List

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Oregon Real Estate Agent Email List

A subset of the complete Oregon real estate agent list including only the 19,305 agents with email addresses but excluding address, phone, fax, mobile and license information. It DOES include name, city, state, zip and county.
